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Musical Instrument Exams Information
There are 3 exam sessions per year, towards the end of each school term. The entry date is near the beginning of the term in which the exam will be taken.
Students are entered for exams whenever they are ready ... if they wish to take this route. It may be possible to skip certain exams, e.g. if a student's playing suddenly improves substantially. Learning an instrument is all about improving your playing ability in every aspect, whether or not you take formal exams.
For any exam, the material will all have been introduced during the previous term, so that after the entry form has been sent, the next couple of months will be spent improving and perfecting up till exam day. Note - for higher level exams, the preparation time can take 2, or even 3, full terms.
There are extra costs to be taken into consideration, along with lesson fees:-
exam fee (set by the exam boards and depending on the grade) - payable with the entry form
accompanist's fee (for brass instrument exams) - to be agreed with the accompanist
There are 2 main exam boards - ABRSM and Trinity - running musical instrument exams. Both require students to learn and perform 3 pieces, along with other tests - scales, sight-reading, aural (listening) tests, although Trinity provides an alternative to scales which some students prefer.
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